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NVSPS Ships Store

(now online!)


The NVSPS Ship’s Store has converted to an online format for both apparel and nametags! All members can now order directly from the same vendors who have provided NVSPS merchandise in the past and have the merchandise shipped directly to their homes.




NVSPS Logo Wear


NVSPS is pleased to make logo items available for purchase by members through Queensboro online store. There are embroidered clothing and convenience items of many kinds. They all come in a variety of colors and sizes. You may use credit cards for payment and items will be shipped directly to you. Instructions for ordering from Queensboro are here.

To begin your order, click on this nvsps.qbstores.com link.




NVSPS Nametags


NVSPS offers nametags from C.P. Dean company in Richmond, VA. Instructions for ordering from C.P. Dean are here.

To begin your order, click on this cpdean.com link to view nametag choices.




NVSPS Burgees


50th Anniversary NVSPS Burgee

A gold band along each side of the fly recognizes the squadron as having reached its 50th year in the United States Power Squadrons. The official anniversary date was May 14, 2017. Read historical documents at nvsps.org

Orders for the new burgees can be delivered at a Squadron function. If mailed, an additional $5 charge will be added per burgee. Mail your order with check payable to NVSPS to
P/C Gale Alls, SN, 7800 Braemar Way, Springfield, VA 22153.
Include your quantity with size(s), your name, mailing address and email address or/and phone number.




10” X 15”


$24.00 ea

12” X 18”


$26.75 ea

14” X 21”


$27.50 ea

Call or email for other sizes and prices
P/C Gale Alls, SN, 703-569-1511, galeandev@aol.com.

If you have questions, you can reach someone through the email address store@nvsps.org






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