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Nautical Links

Lists of links to interesting nautical websites submitted by members.

Note: These links are provided as a general information resource for the use of visitors to the web site. The web site administrator does not endorse nor profit, in whole or in part, from any product or service offered or promoted by any of the commercial web sites whose links appear herein.

Quick Index

  • Power Squadron links
  • Government links
  • Commercial links

    Power Squadron Sites

    usps.org -- The National United States Power Squadron website.

    www.uspsd5.org/ -- The website for District 5.

    www.usps.org/index.php/memberbenefits2 -- The benefits of membership in USPS.

    theensign.org -- Our national magazine, The Ensign.

    www.usps.org/national/PortC -- A nationwide list of Port Captains. A Port Captain is a member of USPS, who stands ready to provide advice and assistance to USPS members. The Port Captain can recommend mechanics, sail makers, and repair yards in the area as well as medical and dental facilities in his or her locale.

    www.seascoutship1942.org/ -- Sea Scout Ship 1942 affiliated with NVSPS.

    Government websites   

    www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/ -- National Ocean Service (NOAA) Office of Coast Survey (OCS) produces nautical charts for United States waters. This site has a wealth of information about charts, symbol, critical updates, coast pilot, Chart No. 1, chart user manual, etc. Charts are available for download, too.

    www.uscg.mil -- The U.S.Coast Guard site provides maritime safety, law enforcement,recreational boating safety, and environmental protection information for merchant mariners, recreational boaters, fishermen, shipbuilders and governments. The latest version of navigation rules (COLREGS, Inland) are available for download.

    www.safeboatingcampaign.com/wear-it-map.htm -- WEAR IT! life jacket promotion website.

    www.uscgboating.org -- USCG Office of Boating Safety web site. Obtain information about: boating safety, federal regulations, publications and requirements; state grants, news and boating links.

    www.navcen.uscg.gov -- Local Notice to Mariners--use this to update your charts.

    www.navcen.uscg.gov/light-lists -- USCG Lightlists and corrections.

    www.nws.noaa.gov/er/lwx/marine.htm - Baltimore / Washington NWS Marine weather.

    ndbc.noaa.gov - Forecast for Thomas Point Lighthouse.

    tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov - Wind forecast from around the Chesapeake Bay.

    www.ndbc.noaa.gov - Buoy data from around the country and offshore.

    www.buoyweather.com - Buoy info including access to wind, wave periods, heights, direction and more.

    iwin.nws.noaa.gov - Good site for weather info and forecasts country-wide.

    www.cnmoc.usff.navy.mil/usno - U.S. Naval Observatory website.

    Commercial Sites   

    www.wunderground.com -- Find the Weather for any City, State or ZIP Code, or Country. This is a very user-friendly site for all kinds of weather info.

    www.accuweather.com -- Accuweather forecasts for any City, State or ZIP Code.

    www.weather.com -- The Weather Channel has forecasts for all over the U.S.

    marinesurvey.com and yachtsurvey.com -- These two sites have interesting articles about stress cracking in gel coat, corrosion in marinas, exhaust risers, electrical system use and other interesting subjects.

    http://www.myboatsgear.com/Automatic-identity-system -- Automatic Identification System (AIS) discussion and equipment.

    marinetraffic.com/ -- Live monitoring of AIS-equipped vessels (square 112 is Chesapeake Bay).

    boatus.com is an individual recreational boat owner membership association offering marine services, savings and representation on Capitol Hill.

    www.fawcettboat.com -- Fawcett boating supply company in the local Annapolis-Washington area.

    pwmarina.com -- Prince William Marina is in the Occoquan, VA area.

    olversonsmarina.com -- Olverson's Marina is in the Callao, VA area.

    washingtonmarina.com -- Washington Marina is on Maine Avenue in DC.

    www.washingtonsailingmarina.com -- Washington Sailing Marina is on Dangerfield Island off the GW Parkway in Alexandria.,

    timsrivershore.com -- Tim's Rivershore restaurant is a popular stop on the Potomac River.

    nadaguides.com/Boats -- NADA has boat pricing guidelines.

    randmcnally.com -- Rand McNally does maps.

    boatered.com -- Boater Ed is an online discussion forum dedicated to boater education.

    tidalfish.com -- Tidal Fish is a website dedicated to fishing in the Chesapeake and other areas.

    animatedknots.com -- Excellent source of animated knot tying examples.

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