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NVSPS Activities

The squadron conducts many activities for its members and the general public.


NVSPS again has a new meeting location and date. We will be meeting at the Alexandria Police HQ the second Tuesday of each month for the next year. The HQ is located at 3600 Wheeler Ave, Alexandria VA. CLICK HERE for details, exceptions, and directions.

Activities Calendar

This squadron maintains an activities calendar that lists local Power Squadron related events, meetings, and deadlines. If you have updates for the calendar, please contact the Secretary via email at sec@nvsps.org

Our District 5 maintains an activities calendar that lists events at nearby squadrons. Any NVSPS member is welcome to participate in these activities.

Meetings & Minutes

General membership meetings are normally held at Alexandria Police HQ Community Rm, 3600 Wheeler Ave, Alexandria, VA 22304, 7:30 pm, until further notice, are: on the 2nd Tuesday of each month except no meetings in Aug. and Dec. The May and Oct. meetings are combined with other events on different days, normally Spring Picnic and Fall Picnic on Saturdays.

Meeting Info: If you do not receive an email notice about meetings, please contact a bridge officer to confirm in-person meeting will be held before heading out.

Executive Committee meetings 7 pm: by Conference call or new location. Contact Executive Officer for conference call number and codes or location. Normally 4th Wed. of each month. There are speaking procedures for these meetings to be sure business has time to be discussed. Just ask about them.

Zoom Meetings: Login info for meetings via Zoom or other mtg software will be distributed by email and available from the Commander.

The minutes of recent membership meetings may be found in our archives here.

Rendezvous & Cruises

During the boating season, the squadron participates in on-water events, such as cruises and rendezvous. Details of these upcoming events are usually available in the NVSPS newsletter. Click on Newsletter, in the menu to the left, to see the current and past issues.

Social Events

Squadron members enjoy seasonal outings, such as the winter holiday party and the spring fling picnic. These events are great fun and build comradery among members. As social events are scheduled, links to the details will appear in this section. Click on Pictures, in the menu to the left, to see pictures of our latest events.

Wounded Warrior Cruise

In years past, NVSPS has sponsored a Wounded Warrior Cruise to provide a day on the water for our wounded veterans from local military hospitals. Look to our Pictures section for photos of past cruises.

Co-Operative Charting

Details regarding NOAA and NVSPS Co-Operative Charting activities are found here. You may also contact the Co-Operative Charting Chairperson using email to coop@nvsps.org

Send comments to the Webmaster via email at webmaster@nvsps.org
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