The Fairfax Yacht Club was the site of the annual Oktoberfest/International Potluck dinner. Over twenty members attended and enjoyed numerous donated tasky treats. It was a great time for fellowship and warmth.

1 Int. Pot Luck Dinner 10-16-2010 (800x600, 112kb) 2 Int. Pot Luck Dinner  10-16-2010 (800x600, 122kb) 4 Int. Pot Luck Dinner 10-16-2010 (800x600, 137kb) IMG_2091 (800x600, 109kb) IMG_2092 (800x600, 122kb) IMG_2093 (800x600, 145kb) IMG_2094 (800x600, 96kb) IMG_2095 (800x600, 86kb) IMG_2096 (800x600, 133kb) IMG_2097 (800x600, 118kb) IMG_2098_edited-1 (800x600, 134kb)

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